Inspired by the American celebration of Independence Day, I prepared a few lime popsicle with fresh fruit, simple and tasty, to fight against this heat. I have chosen red and blue fruit thinking about the United States flag, but they can be prepared with the fruits that you prefer.
In summer, these popsicles are a fresh and healthy snack solution for both adults and children 🙂
New FMD recipes every week

All my recipes are suitable for FMD!
Polos de lima con fruta fresca
Print ThisIngredients
- 1/2 cup blueberries
- 1/2 of cherries
- 1 lime
- 2 teaspoons of birch xylitol
- 1/4 cup water
- Put the water, xylitol and a piece of lime zest in a pan, over medium heat until it boils and the xylitol has dissolved
- Remove from the fire and let cool
- Remove the lime zest, add the freshly squeezed lime juice and mix well
- Wash the fresh fruit well, cut the cherries in half and remove the cherry stone
- Place the fruit in the molds for poles; I have placed the blueberries before and then the cherries, but you can also mix them if you want
- Put the stick
- Distribute the liquid mixture between the molds of poles and leave in the freezer for at least 5 hours or overnight
This recipe is suitable for the Fast Metabolism Diet – FMD Phase1 and Phase 3; With the quantities of this recipe, you got 1 serving of fruit for <20 pounds. You can eat this recipe instead of fruit, in every meal where the fruit is.